Acupuncture for Migraines and Headaches
Do you suffer from Migraines and/or Chronic headaches?
Migraine headaches are debilitating and many can find them difficult to manage without prescription medication. Acupuncture for migraines may be a useful treatment to help relieve the associated pain.
Heachaches can tell us many things about the body. For example, a headache in the front of your head may be due to digestion issues, a headache on the side of your head may be related to stress, and a headache in the back of the head may be related to cold.
Using Acupuncture to Address the Root Causes of Migraines and Headaches
As a Registered Acupuncturist, Heechan can determine probable root causes of your Migraines and chronic headaches by asking questions, checking your tongue and your pulse. The acupuncture treatment can then help address the underlying issues, therefore possibly relieving the headaches associated with it.
There are Acupuncture points to correct the imbalance causing your migraines or chronic headache. Although many people with migraines may have similar signs and symptoms, not all will be relieved by the same treatment due to the fact that the root cause may be different.
There are different ways of choosing Acupuncture points to relieve the symptoms of migraines and chronic headaches. Headaches and migraines are just a puzzle piece to your ailments, hence through acupuncture you may notice other areas improving.
Stiff neck can also be part of the issue causing headaches and migraines. Heechan likes to provide acupuncture using distal points on the body. Our body is a magical vessel that is interconnected with each other. To relieve stiff neck, Heechan may use acupuncture points around the wrist and/or ankles to loosen the neck.
Let Heechan help you holistically by improving more than just your chief complaint. If you have any questions regarding this post please send us an email!
Schedule a free pain assessment or acupuncture session with Heechan