Often enough I get patients who are very nervous about the needles. Hence, they don’t even give acupuncture a try. I have met with many patients who are nervous about needles and after the first one goes in, they ask me, “That’s it?” Pain medications are good temporarily but they do not focus on the root cause hence the pain is felt again until another dose of painkillers is taken or your body heal itself of the pain. Acupuncture needles that I will use
The Abdominal acupuncture is so powerful it can treat pain that
In the treatment, the most you would feel during treatment is a prick or you might not feel anything at all. There are different sensations that can be felt after needling and these are normal sensations. Sometimes burning is felt due to remnants of alcohol left on the skin after wiping. Sometimes dull, sore, ache or heavy, sharp, pressure is felt. All of these sensations go away within a matter of seconds. And on rare occasions when the pain intensity is high the needle is adjusted so that rest of your treatment will be relaxing and calming.
My goal is for you to have a comfortable, relaxing, and calming treatment all the while addressing your chief complaint.
Did you know there is a BIG difference between Registered Acupuncturist (R.Ac) vs. other ‘practitioners’ without the title R.Ac providing acupuncture service? R.Ac has a minimal of 2 years of studies of acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine theories that
Explore and discover what Abdominal Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine can do for you! Book an appointment with Heechan Lee, Registered Acupuncturist in Better Health Clinic today!