“Wholistic” Medicine with Dr. Jayne

Dr. Jayne explains Naturopathic and Homeopathic medicine and why it is such an amazing “wholistic” approach to treating the whole body. Then the body can become healthy on all levels, physical, mental and emotional.

I am a Naturopathic Doctor who also has a degree in Homeopathy. I became a Naturopathic Doctor first, but went on to specialize in homeopathy because I realized that homeopathy was the most effective medicine there was when it came to eliminating what I recognized to be the underlying cause of why often people get sick. I believe that is the subconscious programs or fears that cause anxiety, and distorted energy patterns. They lie in the subconscious, and we recognize them when we get triggered, on a mental emotional level. Homeopathy goes in and erases the pattern, allowing the individual to become healthy on all levels, physical, mental and emotional. 

Many people ask me what the difference is between Naturopathic Medicine and Homeopathy. Many mix the two up or use the terms interchangeable. Even after explaining I find many still call a Naturopath a Homeopath and visa versa. And understandable, I mean they are both treating illness naturally, right?? Well yes, this is true, however …..they ARE very different.

A Naturopathic Doctor or Naturopath is one of the few degrees in the entire world that is recognized and accredited. Meaning the education itself is carefully considered, and controlled by a board, providing the graduate a background in a similar education to that of a medical Doctor (anatomy, physiology, pathology, etc.) but then after the second year in a four year degree the student learns how to treat physical ailments with natural treatments. We learn to treat with Botanical Medicine, Nutritional supplements, counseling, Hydrotherapy, Acupuncture, Chinese Medicine, AND Homeopathy. Homeopathy is one of the modalities a Naturopathic Doctor uses to treat!

A Naturopathic Doctor learns how the human body works, the science in health, illness and treatment, but then learns the art of treating the whole human being, the physical, the mental and the emotional aspects. Most importantly, finding the cause and then treating through these different modalities.

I decided to specialize in homeopathy, because I found it to be the most effective in treating the cause. 

Homeopathy is a scientific and effective system of medicine that has been in use for over 200 years. Homeopathic medicine works by stimulating the body’s own natural tendency to heal itself, with a push from a well matched homeopathic remedy. It recognizes that all symptoms of ill health are expressions of disharmony within the whole person and that it is the patient, and the internal pattern that needs treatment, not the disease. Homeopathic treatment is based on the philosophy that the body, mind and emotions are not separate parts of a person, but are all affected by each other; therefore the homeopath seeks to observe a pattern in the disharmony which is affecting the complete individual resulting in disharmony and disease.  As such, it is a truly holistic medicine that treats the individual on all levels – mind, body and emotions.

Homeopathy is most curative when a constitutional Homeopathic intake is done. Approximately one and a half hours are needed, looking at the whole person taking into consideration all symptoms and characteristics on the physical, emotional and mental planes. When well prescribed, a homeopathic medicine or remedy can allow for a profound healing response and be very effective in treating all types of disease. Anxiety, ADHA, Eczema, Psoriasis, Digestive issues, Migraines, Hypertension, Menstrual problems, just to name a few. The true beauty of it is, once a remedy has been found (the cost of the remedy is 5.00!) only short follow ups are needed, (30min) and how the  physical has responded will  lead the way, redosing accordingly, and as needed. 

From there I use Naturopathic Medicine to support the physical and enhance health, vitality and longevity. But once true healing has happened at a deep level through homeopathy the vital force is strengthened, and this becomes easy and supportive. 

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Cell Salts: How they work

What are Cell Salts??

Cell salts are homeopathic preparations of certain mineral compounds, which are found within all living things.

Developed over a century ago by Dr. William Schuessler, a German doctor and homeopath. He found, when investigating human blood and ashes after death, and isolating minerals from these various tissues; that certain minerals were a vital part of every cell in the body. He discovered 12 mineral compounds that were important to proper functioning of the cells. He called these 12 salts, cell salts or tissue salts.

Schuessler found that diseases and abnormal states in the cell, and therefore the body, arise because of deficiencies of these 12 mineral salts. By supplying the body with the correct combination of minerals, wholeness and balance were restored; and the body healed itself. Tissue salts simply provide the needed elements to the human body in a form that is readily assimilated, allowing speedy restoration, balance and harmony to the system. Tissue salts, are to the body what a really rich fertilized soil is to a plant. Blood is to the human body, what soil is to a plant. Poor exhausted soil means weak, sickly plants. In the same way, poor blood, lacking certain minerals means bodies prone to disease. Restore the blood and the body will flourish.

Cell salts are an extremely versatile natural healing modality, especially since the salts are available over the counter at any health food store. They are inexpensive, last a long time and, due to their low potency at a dilution of 6X they are inherently safe for home prescribing; for adults, children, babies and pets.

How they work:

They act a little differently from a homeopathic remedy, which repels a like vibrational illness in the body; instead the cell salts actually reinforce their corresponding field. Made in a 6x potency, they strengthen and nourish at a cellular level.

Cell salts work by enabling the cells to better assimilate and utilize the mineral compounds they represent in homeopathic potency.

The cell salt can be used on its own to replace a lost or needed mineral, but it could also be used to utilize or assimilate nutrients from diet or supplementation. In the case of a broken bone for example, the crude form of calcium is often prescribed. But this form of calcium often doesn’t go into the bones…where you want it to go, as recent research is showing. Instead, it may build up in the body where it is unwanted, in arteries, veins, and organs, leading to unwanted plaque and build up.  However, the tissue salt calc phos could be taken, which would first help supply a source of calcium in a safe way, AND secondly it would help the body assimilate and use the calcium taken in through foods high in calcium, such as green leafy vegetables.  If extra calcium is needed, a smaller amount would be sufficient, as the body better assimilates it.

When I broke my fibula, doing my favourite sport, … I took 3 calc phos 4-5 times daily, along with ferrum phos to help with the inflammation, arnica a homeopathic to help with the trauma, and symphytum a homeopathic remedy to help heal the break. I took a small amount of crude calcium/ magnesium with boron but only every 3-5 days, the bone healed in record time.

Dosage is different depending on the condition.

If it is an acute, (which is a condition that appears suddenly and lasts only a short period of time), for example a cold or flu, I suggest dosing often.  Combine the cell salts, taking a few of each…. often at first, even every 10-15 minutes for a few doses until one starts to feel better. Then continuing to take, but spread out further and further until no symptoms remain.

So for example you could combine calc phos and ferrum phos, taking 3 of each every 10 minutes, at the first sign of a cold, for 3-4 doses. As you notice the symptoms subside you could reduce, taking them to every 2-3 hours and then, once or twice a day for a day or two, until all symptoms are completely gone.  There are no side affects, they are safe, and one cannot over dose.

With chronic conditions, such as arthritis, asthma, or diabetes, therefore cases where you have had the condition for a period of time, the condition is often deeper and more complex, so it takes time to turn it around. I suggest taking the cell salt, 3 of the one needed, or in a combination of salts 2-3 times a day, for a period of 3 months or more. It often takes three months to see change in a chronic condition, in this case it is important to be consistent and have patience.

Children and adults respond to them beautifully in acutes such as fevers, colds and flus …almost immediately, especially if it is caught in the early stages.

It is important to keep in mind that its best to start early, and be continually addressing what the body presents as symptomatic, as it is far easier to turn a small boat a small degree, than a huge ship a large degree. Having said that, the body has an enormous ability to heal, given the right nutrients, with consistency.

It is also important to keep in mind that sometimes pathology is deeper than the physical; it may be mental or emotional. I will share some of the ways that the mental emotional can be healed with tissue salts, but sometimes a deep acting homeopathic is needed as well. In chronic disease it would help speed recovery.

We are complex beings, and it is important to take a holistic approach, everyone is different. Some illnesses have just appeared, others have existed for years, and are more complex…. needing pathways to be cleansed of toxins, meds and heavy metals first. Then nurturing with nutrition, healing on an emotional level, AND feeding at a cellular level with tissue salts. Prevention and nurturing on a continual bases, would be ideal.

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Cell Salts: Simple yet Powerful


In sharing my path of discovery, I share my passion for homeopathy and how it led to tissue salts. A journey, through which, I was able to see the human being, as a complex, biological and energetic being.  It was through this complexity, that I wished to find the simplicity, and a desire for all to take on the powerful thought form, of creating and being health. The health that comes from nurturing and loving ones own being…. body, mind and spirit.

I became a Naturopathic Doctor first, but became interested in Homeopathy during my training to become an ND, as it is one of our modalities that we study.

I found it got to the root cause of disease…. In a way that was profound and direct, especially if a disease was caused by a mental emotional conflict… as many are. I found it was safe, swift, and curative, removing the subconscious belief that started the illness.

I fell in love with Homeopathy when we went to study it in India during my second year of Naturopathic Medicine. I saw case after case, cured with this wonderful medicine. And wanted to master how to use it. And so after graduating as a Naturopathic Doctor, I studied for 2 more years to become a homeopath as well.

During my training to become a homeopath, one of the groups of remedies that we learned about are tissue salts, or Cell salts. I learned about them, from an Indian Homeopath who used them almost exclusively to treat all illness, with great success.

This intrigued me; I knew then that this would be a knowledge that I could pass on to my patients. I could teach them how to use them, for many conditions. Many could treat themselves, their family, loved ones, pets, …There are only 12 tissue salts and so considerably simpler than homeopathy with some 2000 or more remedies. And so, they are easier to use!

Although homeopathy; of higher potencies will act deeply, swiftly and curatively there is considerable knowledge needed to pick the correct remedy. I follow the principals of classical homeopathy, in which one remedy is used to treat the individual as a whole, often taking 1-3 hours to come up with the remedy that will treat the person as an individual…wonderful, beautiful, and treats the cause. But it involves considerable, skill, time and effort, and if you miss…. nothing happens.

I found, that for this reason, it can be quite frustrating for a mother home in the middle of the night, attempting to treat a child with a cough or cold.

As a result, when I go out to speak about homeopathy and teach, I always talk about cell salts. They are homeopathy, but there are only 12, so it is simple.

In my practice I use cell salts for many pathologies, and I teach my patients to use them … to treat acute’s such as colds, coughs, fever, sore throats, urinary tract infections, menstrual cramps, diarrhea, and constipation, as well as many chronic diseases such as asthma, osteoporosis, diabetes, skin diseases, anemia, insomnia, ADHD, and high blood pressure   ….as you will see, they can be used to treat almost anything.  It is a very empowering knowledge: to have 12 bottles, and to know how to combine to treat yourself, and your family.

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My Top 10 Natural Skin, Hair and Anti Aging Tips – Part 4

Part 4 of a 4 part series

The following are numbers 8, 9 and 10 in my top 10 gifts to the physical, and when provided with love, nourish and feed the cells that are so graciously carrying us through this lifetime.

8. Tissue salts:

Skin and hair care should start from within. Your skin can really look better than ever. Taking tissue salts can improve cell regeneration of the skin, nails and hair.

What are tissue (cell) salts?

Dr. Schuessler, a 19-th century German physician, developed the 12 tissue/cell salts.His healing method is based on the concept that there are 12 minerals available in each cell and tissue and they are essential to body`s metabolism. When these vital tissue salts are in the correct ratio or concentration, the body is healthy. As soon as the tissue salts ratio is disturbed, cell function is impaired, resulting in illness.

I have written about, “why tissue salts” and blogged about each salt for more information, but here is a special combination of tissue salts for skin and hair beauty:

  • Tissue salt No 1 Calcarea fluorica is a tissue strengthener that improves skin elasticity.
  • Tissue salt No 8 Natrum muriaticum is often called the fluid balancer. It hydrates skin and fortifies hair follicles.
  • Tissue salt No 11 Silicea fortifies nails and increases collagen formation thus reducing wrinkles.


Take 5 tablets of each tissue salt once daily, 15 minutes before meals.

9. Hyaluronic acid:

Scientifically speaking, hyaluronic acid (also known as hyaluronan) is a glycosaminoglycan, a type of molecule composed partly of sugars. Hyaluronic acid is actually a natural structural component of skin, and, in fact, is present in connective tissue throughout the human body.

So why is hyaluronic acid such a big deal? The magic of this ingredient lies in its ability to retain moisture; it’s considered to have a greater capacity to hold moisture than any other natural or synthetic polymer. In fact, one gram of hyaluronic acid is able to hold up to six liters of water.


You can find both sodium hyaluronate and hyaluronic acid here. Sodium hyaluronate is a salt derived from hyaluronic acid—and it has unique advantages for skin in comparison to “regular” hyaluronic acid, although both are great.

Sodium hyaluronate’s difference lies in its molecular size. During the process of creating sodium hyaluronate, its molecular weight decreases due to the removal of lipids, proteins, and nucleic acids. Removing these compounds makes the sodium hyaluronate molecule smaller than that of hyaluronic acid. That means that the sodium hyaluronate, when applied topically, can penetrate the skin more easily than the hyaluronic acid.

10. Glycerin:

Glycerin (sugar-alcohol compound) is an organic compound composed of carbon, oxygen and hydrogen. It’s a thick (viscous), colorless and odourless liquid. It’s water-soluble, sweet to taste and is non-toxic. It can be used on its own or added to any natural skin cream. I find it is one of the best-kept simple secrets. Get hold of some glycerine and use it for SO many things. The following are some ideas.

  • It can be used as a cleanser.
  • It can be used as a toner.
  • It can be used on its own or in other creams as a moisturizer (you can add a few drops to any of the above recipes to add moisture).
  • It helps retain water in skin, making it feel soft and supple
  • It can be used on baby and sensitive skin.
  • Glycerin is non-toxic in nature
  • It removes clogged impurities and helps in lightening skin shade. It can be applied to scars and burns to help speed healing

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My Top 10 Natural Skin, Hair and Anti Aging Tips – Part 3

Part 3 of a 4 part series

The following are numbers 5, 6 and 7 in my top 10 gifts to the physical, and when provided with love, nourish and feed the cells that are so graciously carrying us through this lifetime.

5. Glutathione:

There is a direct correlation with the speed of aging and the reduction of glutathione concentrations in intracellular fluids. As individuals grow older, glutathione levels drop, and the ability to detoxify free radicals decreases.

Blood glutathione levels have been identified as being one of the most important indicators of our overall health. As the master antioxidant in the body Glutathione has a range of diverse metabolic functions including acting as a free radical scavenger, recharging depleted antioxidants back into their active state (vitamin C, vitamin E, vitamin A, etc.), maintaining the immune system, supporting protein structures and removing heavy metals such as mercury through the liver.

Scientists have discovered that how long you live is directly proportional to how much glutathione is in your body.

Our environment today is loaded with toxic metals, from the air we breathe to the food we eat. Glutathione is a powerful detox agent.

We all want to look our best, and clinical research has found that glutathione is capable of stimulating collagen synthesis. By elevating collagen production those fine lines and wrinkles start to disappear.

You are probably already familiar with the benefits of antioxidants and how they control the damaging effects of free radicals in our bodies. Glutathione is so powerful it is called the master antioxidant. If you could only supplement your diet with one antioxidant it would be glutathione. Glutathione is manufactured inside the human cells. The cell’s ability to make glutathione is determined by the supply of raw materials or glutathione precursors, in particular of the amino acid cysteine, and other anti oxidants.

The good news is that you can do many things to increase this natural and critical molecule in your body. You can eat glutathione-boosting foods. You can exercise. And you can take glutathione-boosting supplements (all antioxidants are ultimately making glutathione in the body). And for the first time ever, you can buy it in a liposomal form which is immediately absorbed.

Tips to Optimize your Glutathione Levels

  1. Consume sulfur-rich foods. The main ones in the diet are garlic, onions and the cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, kale, collards, cabbage, cauliflower, watercress, etc.). And take Organic Sulphur (see above)
  2. Exercise boosts your glutathione levels and thereby helps boost your immune system, improve detoxification and enhance your body’s own antioxidant defenses. Start slow and build up to 30 minutes a day of vigorous aerobic exercise like walking or jogging, or play various sports. Strength training for 20 minutes 3 times a week is also helpful.
  3. Take liposomal Glutathione (a recent supplementary form that is in liposomal form meaning it gets absorbed directly into the mucosal membrane, avoiding break down in the digestive tract. (Liposomal Glutathione is available at Better Health Clinic)
  4. Selenium. This important mineral helps the body recycle and produce more glutathione.5. Antioxidants like vitamins C help to recycle and make glutathione.
  5. Milk thistle (silymarin) has long been used in liver disease and helps boost glutathione levels.

6. Coconut Oil

Coconut oil has many health benefits, and it is well known as a skin and hair moisturizer, but did you know it is also a natural face wash?

While it may seem counterintuitive to use coconut oil as a face wash, oil cleansing is quite possibly the purest, most effective way to remove dirt, impurities and yes especially oil from your face.

The idea is actually simple. Using the principle of “like dissolves like” – the basic concept is this: the natural oil you massage into your skin removes the oil on your skin along with impurities. When you apply steam from a hot washcloth, not only does it cleanse but also it moisturizes at the same time.

I have used oils for several years to cleanse and have not had to combat dry skin, or break outs since starting.

How to clean your face with Coconut Oil:

You will need:

  • Coconut oil
  • A washcloth

What to do:

  1. Put about a teaspoon of coconut oil into the palm of your hand
  2. Warm the oil up in your hands by rubbing your hands back and forth
  3. Gently massage the oil into your face using small, circular strokes for at least 1 minute
  4. Rinse a washcloth under very warm water, wring out the excess water, and let the cloth sit on your face for approx :30 seconds
  5. Gently wipe the oil from your face
  6. Repeat step 4 and step 5 if necessary

7. Castor Oil: for skin and hair:

Castor oil also has many health benefits, and is well known to treat internal ailments with castor oil packs. But I often use it in winter to increase the effectiveness of a natural skin moisturizer and it has amazing benefits for hair growth and hair health. I often add a drop or two to my body moisturizer. And add sparingly to my own home made spray in conditioners. It adds shine and brings back natural curl.

The following is a recipe for a deeper conditioner that helps hair health and growth.

  1. Castor oil has a thick consistency, so you can mix it with coconut oil, olive oil or jojoba oil in a half and half ratio. This will make the mask easier to distribute throughout your hair.
  2. Use your fingers or a brush and start applying it onto your scalp with circular motions. This gentle massage increases the blood circulation, rejuvenates the hair, and stimulates hair growth.
  3. Part hair into sections and apply the oil (mixture) to each section until all your hair is covered properly and evenly.
  4. Wrap your hair in a warm towel (you can also use a shower cap) and leave it for two to eight hours. You can also leave it over night. This will give the oil enough time to penetrate the follicles and hydrate your scalp and hair thoroughly.
  5. Wash your hair as usual using shampoo and conditioner. Make sure you rinse all the oil out of your hair.

How often can Castor oil Hair Conditioners be used?

This depends on your objective and type of hair. If your aim is to treat hair loss, you will need to do it at least twice weekly, but even better if you can do it three or four times per week for several weeks. You can also add rosemary essential oil, which is known to stimulate hair growth.

Read part 2 of My Top 10 Natural Skin, Hair and Anti Aging Tips >>

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My Top 10 Natural Skin, Hair and Anti Aging Tips – Part 2

Part 2 of a 4 part series

The following are numbers 3 and 4 of my top 10 gifts to the physical, and when provided with love, nourish and feed the cells that are so graciously carrying us through this lifetime.

3. Chlorella:

Chlorella is the No. 1 anti-aging food tip that not only helps keep your skin youthful and wrinkle-free, but also enables you to live longer.

Chlorella is a single-celled, water-grown algae that contains more chlorophyll per gram than any other plant. It is extremely rich in vitamins, minerals, amino acids, essential fatty acids and many other nutrients that are beneficial to health.

Chlorella also abounds in nucleic acids, which control cellular function and heredity. Two forms of nucleic acid are DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) and RNA (ribonucleic acid). It is chlorella’s nucleic acid content that gives it rejuvenating properties. Nucleic acids help the body repair itself, and use nutrients more efficiently to produce more energy, and remove toxins.

Of the nucleic acid-rich foods, sardines are on the top the list. Sardines contain 1.5% nucleic acids, compared to red meat, which contains only 0.05%. Chlorella has 17 times more RNA than canned sardines, making it the top anti-aging food. One of the beautiful aspects of chlorella is something called its growth factor, which allows it to quadruple itself every 20 hours — faster than any food crop on earth. This ability is one reason why chlorella works so fast at healing and repairing tissues and cells.

Used regularly, Chlorella would assist in the repair of damaged genetic material in human cells, protecting our health and slowing down the aging process …. When our RNA and DNA are in good repair and are able to function most efficiently, our bodies get rid of toxins and avoid disease. Chlorella helps to accelerate the growth of immune cells and enables white blood cells to duplicate at a faster rate. The phycocyanin found in chlorella also helps the body produce more stem cells, which is a great immune booster, anti aging factor, and can actually be used to destroy bacteria and viruses within the body.

It also helps with cellular detox. Environmental exposures to dangerous poisons and chemicals are one of the factors that cause illness. Chlorella appears to be a wonderful detoxifying agent that assists the liver in clearing out toxins; it neutralizes many poisons within the body, including environmental poisons, mercury, and other toxins. It aids cells in rebuilding themselves; and repairing damage that can cause illness and disease. It also quickly multiples the growth of good bacteria in the bowel, it is able to help the body eliminate dangerous free radicals more easily. And of coarse, all of this means healthier more vibrant skin.

A recommended starting dose is 3 grams a day until one’s body gets accustomed to its powerful effects. Some people who use it therapeutically find that taking as much as 7 grams a day helps them obtain the most benefit.

4. Vitamin C – and the natural source of Vitamin C…Camu Camu

Vitamin C is an important ingredient for healthy skin. Both, as an internal supplement, and as a topical application. Vitamin C has many benefits, including increasing immune function, it also a central role in the formation of collagen.

When collagen is produced, there is a series of events that happens, some occurring inside of the cell, and some outside of the cell. Vitamin C is active inside of the cell, where it hydroxylates (adds hydrogen and oxygen) to two amino acids: proline and lysine. This helps form a precursor molecule called procollagen that is later packaged and modified into collagen outside of the cell. Without vitamin C, collagen formation is hindered.

Vitamin C is a gold-star ingredient for the skin. You’ll find it in all kinds of skin creams for its antioxidant powers and ability to rebuild collagen and for the same reasons, as an oral supplement. Both help in rebuilding collagen. But instead of buying creams or supplements with synthetic forms of vitamin C, you could use the natural form of Vit C, camu camu. And the following is a recipe for making a skin cream using this wonderful fruit. It is an antiviral, collagen boosting – packed fruit found in the Amazon rainforest. The Amazonian Camu Camu plant contains the highest level of natural occurring vitamin C in the world. It is a natural source of vit C and the small berries are at least 30 times more potent than oranges.

In summary:

  • Vitamin C is an antioxidant, which neutralizes free radicals
  • Vitamin C lightens the appearance of age spots.
  • Vitamin C accelerates collagen production, which prevents the fine lines and wrinkles from forming.

L-ascorbic acid is a synthetic form of Vitamin C that’s often used in both expensive and homemade skin serums. While it provides potent skin benefits, it can also degrade quickly. Serums with ascorbic acid usually only last about a week before they start to oxidize and turn yellow, which means the vitamin C has become inactive.

The following is a skin formula that can be made at home and combines with aloe Vera’s healing properties, this Vitamin C serum recipe with Camu Camu works to lighten and rejuvenate skin.

Recipe for Camu Camu Vitamin C Serum:


  • 4 teaspoons aloe vera gel
  • 2 teaspoons glycerin
  • 2 teaspoons camu camu powder (Camu Camu liquid, is available at Better Health Clinic and can be used in serum)


  1. Combine Camu Camu and glycerin, ….mix well.
  2. Add aloe vera and stir to combine.
  3. Transfer to small container (one with a dropper is the easiest to use)
  4. To use, smooth 2-4 drops onto (clean) face, neck and chest twice a day. Let it absorb and follow with moisturizer.

Read part 3 of My Top 10 Natural Skin, Hair and Anti Aging Tips >>

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My Top 10 Natural Skin, Hair and Anti Aging Tips – Part 1

Part 1 of a 4 part series

Internal resonance, balance, energetic practices, creativity and a connection to the planet (earthing), lack of stress, deep breathing, exercise, good sleep and an inner connection to ones higher purpose, are absolutely the most important factors in anti aging, and all create an inner beauty.

However you find these is a unique journey, and the ways are as varied as the people on the planet. These feed our spiritual, energetic side or life force, which in turn feed the physical and are the most important factors to vitality, I believe.

The following are the first two tips of my top 10 gifts to the physical, and when provided with love, nourish and feed the cells that are so graciously carrying us through this lifetime.

1. Organic Sulfur:

Cellular regeneration appears to be closely tied to the body’s ability to transport oxygen across cell membranes. This is a primary function of organic sulfur.

The skin is the largest organ in the body, and it’s similar to a huge kidney or lung. Sulfur, is known as “the beauty mineral,” because skin is more beautiful if its cells are able to regenerate. The skin is the backup for the liver, and someone in liver distress shows it in the cells of their face and skin. Not only does it help skin, but also it helps all cells regenerate, everywhere in the body. The result is a well functioning body but also beautiful skin, hair and nails.

Sulfur, with an atomic number of 16, is known to bond with almost every other mineral. Sulfur has demonstrated its ability to detoxify heavy metals in conjunction with the transport of oxygen across the cell membrane, thus allowing regeneration. Sulfur is also the key player as a precursor for the utilization of amino acids, the body’s building blocks. Of all of the amino acids, some 70 percent are sulphur-based.

Additionally, and for the last 100 years, the horrendous increase of air-born pollutants, chemical toxins, heavy metals in food (especially fish and sea food), artificial growth hormones, stress, pesticides, GMOs, microwave ovens, destructive pharmaceuticals, vaccines, flavor “enhancers” like MSG, and processed foods, all contribute to the increase of illness, trauma, body-cell damage, and immune-system deficiency. Our “modern era” toxic-stress load is hundreds of times more a burden on our physiology and psychology than at any time in the past. As illness and stress increase (both biological and emotional), there is a concomitant requirement for an increased need for organic sulfur.

Assume for the moment that your body cells, blood cells, blood capillaries, skin cells, cellular oxygen/nutrient transfer, natural detoxification processes, and peptide and amino acid manufacturers, aren’t working well. As a result there is toxic buildup, calcium buildup, plaque, and cells simply don’t work the way they should. This all improves with organic sulfur. Arteries and capillaries soften, blood pressure stabilizes, brain fog decreases, pain is reduced, free radicals are neutralized, and detoxification and cellular repair and rejuvenation begin.

At the beginning of taking organic sulfur, often there are detox symptoms (a good sign) such as, an achy-flu like series of sensations or a few mild headaches.I highly recommend the slow increase. When I started I was keen and felt I was quite healthy so ramped up quickly and had definite detox symptoms, including fatigue and headaches.

Detoxification cannot happen with MSM that contains anti-caking ingredients, (as found in many capsule forms of MSM) because these fillers block the bioavailability of sulfur to the cells. In order to gain benefit from Sulfur one must fine a pure, uncontaminated form of MSM, an Organic Sulfur—coarse crystal flakes, which are pure.

2. Fish Oil

Fish oil, also known as polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), are essential fatty acids, which are substances that the body cannot manufacture. They are vital to the human body function, and must be acquired through food. They play a crucial role in brain function, as well as normal growth and development.

PUFA’s also have beneficial affects for skin. Omega-3 fatty acids benefits affect the epidermis, the skin’s outer layer. As we age, the cells become thinner and less sticky. This decreases the barrier function of the epidermis allowing moisture to be released from the skin, causing dryness. Also as epidermal cells start to decrease, the skin slowly loses its ability to repair itself efficiently. Simultaneously, the structural elements that support the skin may start to thin. Omega-3 fatty acids feed the skin cell membrane of the epidermis. There is an increased ability to utilize nutrients and there is an increased ability of the cell to hold onto water. With an increased ability to hold nutrients and water, it leads to moister, softer skin, which promotes wrinkle prevention.

Omega 3 fatty acids also protect against UV damage and have anti-inflammatory properties, helping heal and protect. Numerous studies have demonstrated the benefits of omega-3 fatty acids for the heart, decreasing the risk of heart disease. Other benefits include reduction of inflammation and may help lower the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, cancer and arthritis

Omega-3 fatty acids are found in fish like salmon and mackerel, algae, krill, and certain plants and nut oils. Since these fatty acids have so many benefits for the skin, it seemed only logical that topical application in the form of a face cream could have even greater benefits. Anti-aging facial creams are being developed with omega-3 derived from Algae… After all, the fish get their omega-3 supply from eating algae. (Chlorella).

An excellent, pure, capsule form of fish oil is available at Better Health Clinic.

Read part 2 of My Top 10 Natural Skin, Hair and Anti Aging Tips >>

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What is Health? I believe its Holistic and 4 fold

I believe health is simple yet basically 4 fold.

The ultimate goal is to feel love for oneself, which allows for spontaneity and joyful living with a connection to ones higher self-allowing for intuition, creativity, empathy, connection to others and ultimately for health to flourish. To be truly whole and healthy there is nurturing to be done on several levels.

1. The physical.

I became a Naturopathic Doctor first, the science of the physical; the study of physiology, biology, pathology (what is disease), and what makes the physical body flourish on a cellular level is focused on. To support the human body in a natural way, to find the cause of disease and to do no harm is the ultimate goal.

This is achieved through optimal supplementation, proper nutrition, botanicals, herbs, Chinese herbs, as well as structural support through massage, hydrotherapy, and physical manipulation.

2. Cleanse and Detox.

Naturopathic Doctors recognize the need to cleanse and detox, an absolute must for the physical to flourish in this world we live in where we are over burdened with heavy metals, insecticides, toxins, and a less than perfect diet. Often the terrain needs to be cleansed and healed in order for ultimate health to become a reality.

3. Energetic/Mental/Emotional.

Naturopathic Doctors also recognize that the human body is more than physical, that there is an energetic component and that there is a connection between mental/emotional trauma or conflict and disease. Acupuncture, counseling and homeopathy are also studied.

I personally believe that the disconnect that happens through pain, and the energetic blocks that manifest on the physical level are one of the ultimate causes of disease that without addressing these often-subconscious programs, beliefs, and conflicts that occur because of them, the rest that is done to aid health is often a Band-Aid.

I therefore became ultimately interested in homeopathy and went on to get a degree in homeopathy after graduating as a Naturopathic Doctor. Homeopathy is an energetic medicine, that when matched to the whole person on every level, mental/emotional and physical, to a remedy, ….. the conflict, which is really just subconscious programming, disappears … allowing a true re-connection to joy to come forward in ones life and for ultimate health to return.

Of coarse every one is different and so not only are the patterns causing the disease different but also the remedy, the number of remedies, the amount (dose), and potency, (energetic strength) are also always different. It treats the individual as an individual at every level.

I find homeopathy fascinating as it comes from something that exists naturally on earth, a plant, mineral, nosode, or from the animal kingdom, (mammal, bird, reptile, taken from the milk, venom or a feather), …. all of these elements (beings) not only carry an energetic story and signature but when matched to the quality needed to be healed in us, not only heal, but show the intimate connection we have to this planet and everything on it. One feather, or leaf, one drop of milk can produce thousands of pellets, treat thousands of people and animals. It is reproducible, at no expense to the planet, and is a very sustainable and highly effective. Homeopathy is a beautiful medicine.

It was during my studies to become a homeopath that I discovered Schussler tissue or cell salts, which are a combination of homeopathy and a cellular / physically supportive medicine. It was discovered by Schussler that the human body needed 12 essential minerals to be healthy and that when one was missing disease would develop. These salts also have an energetic component and a connection to the mental / emotional, but in a simpler way than homeopath (which connects deeper, is often more spontaneous in healing but very complex, needing much study and covers some 2000 remedies).

Tissue salts consist of only 12 remedies and can be learned and used successfully to treat many diseases. It is therefore an empowering medicine for many as they can successfully treat themselves.

I believe we ultimately need to take responsibility for our own health. To take time to nurture ourselves, to exercise, to discover our reasons for being sick to listen to our pain, to resolve it and to listen to Mother Earth and our own intuition in how to heal ourselves.

And so, I talk passionately about tissue salts because they are simple to use, are effective, inexpensive, and allow for self-empowerment.

I talk passionately about homeopathy because I feel it is a beautiful medicine that deals with the ultimate cause of disease, inner pain, which cuts us off from our ultimate joy and therefore health.

When choosing a remedy, the ultimate goal is to LISTEN to what someone has to express in every way, the song of the individual which carries the truth of what the spirit is trying to express, in joy and in pain, and just to listen for what remedy comes forward to bring the person more into health in body, mind and emotion.

4. A positive attitude free from programmed beliefs and fear.

Finally, I feel the way we look at disease is part of the problem. It is not to be feared … as we are programmed to believe. It serves a purpose and is usually just a way for our body to signal that something is wrong, out of balance, to teach us something … or it may be there to bring the body back into balance and train the immune system. Either way it is not the enemy. It is often our friend and simply one of the ways toward transforming into wholeness.

About the author ...

Why its important to love ourselves, and why I believe homeopathy helps with that!

Most of us grow up knowing we should love ourselves first, in order to love. I have heard this many times, and have said it to others many times.

But not until recently did I question WHY. Why is it so important? And so ……down a rabbit hole I went.

I think, that every one on planet earth is part of a master’s class. It’s why we should be proud of ourselves, just for having the faith and courage  to be here. And, it’s why we are worthy of love in its purest form. Every one of us is worthy, infinite, and beautiful.

However, we come in with blinders on to anything more than what we can see, feel, touch…with our 5 senses.

WE are dealt some cards that leave us uncertain of love, of our true purpose and our true form.

This uncertain way becomes our unique way of looking at the world. It becomes our way of experiencing life, in a way that is slightly distorted… warped by pain and circumstance. It is human existence.

Many ask what is the purpose of life? WHY are we here? Maybe its to change to vibrate to  experience life. First  in a way that is limited, reduced, different but to still find love within. Not just love, but brilliant, untarnished, exuberant, enthusiastic love, for who we are.   And with that, we then vibrate at a level that connects us to more. We have achieved joy through a vast maze of fog and trepidation.

I  believe, the way we look at the world, and what we experience from the world is like looking in a mirror. If we experience distortion on the inside, it is what happens on the outside.

And so, that’s why, change and love is an inside job.

WE can’t tell the mirror, hey!! Change!! I don’t like what I’m seeing!! …”Smile and be happy”, …..Because, IF we are still frowning and pained inside. The reflection in the mirror is frowning and pained. WE can only change the reflection if we smile first. Then what is mirrored back is THAT.

AND SO, if we are able to love ourselves, then we would only create love for ourselves on the outside. We would only experience what IS loving, and then we would only experience those things, people and creatures with the same loving vibration.

It’s again why I love homeopathy!! It helps take off the glasses of distortion.  The glasses being  a metaphor for the subconscious beliefs.  that stop us from loving ourselves. The beliefs that stop us from creating beauty and harmony on the OUTSIDE, all because of the distortion on the INSIDE. This distortion is just a subconscious belief, program or conflict. Homeopathy finds the program and treats it.

With the distortion removed, we are able to smile again from the inside, and everything changes. Health, well being, AND what happens on the outside.

It’s why many people say…..when I took this remedy everyone changed around me….

I’ve always thought WOW, but not until recently did I realize WHY. It is simply the mirror affect. When we change on the inside, everything changes.

When we love ourselves we give permission to ourselves to follow and do what excites us, and be who we really are.

IS to love ourselves simply to become more of what we really are?

And so, I believe, this is why it is so important to love ourselves. Because then, we flow, …..seeing more, feeling more, sharing more, and possible changing so much more.

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