Registered Massage Therapy
Massage Therapy is soft tissue manipulation of the body. It is one of the oldest recognized forms of healing. It involves a variety of techniques to help prevent, develop, maintain, or rehabilitate physical function or relieve pain. It is a clinically-oriented form of treatment that can help with many health conditions stemming from muscular dysfunction, overuse injuries, and many chronic pain syndromes. Traditional Swedish Massage Therapy usually involves lotions or oils on the skin with a variety of kneading and stroking techniques.
Articles of Interest
Winter Making You Feel SAD?
February may be the shortest month of the year, but it is by far (in both research and perspective!) the worst month of the entire year. February typically brings the worst weather, colder temperatures, and overall gloominess to both the sky and our moods. For some people, such low mood peaks in February, preceded by …
Why Fad Diets Don’t Work
Most people think of a diet as a temporary plan someone goes on to lose weight. Many times, these diets will have a certain gimmick or theme. Some are too restrictive or too hard to maintain as they eliminate certain foods, and drastically limit or eliminate entire food groups altogether, some involve only shakes and pills and some can be dangerous due to their lack of calories and essential nutrients.
Sciatica, the original pain in the butt.
What does it mean to have a pain in the butt? Unfortunately, it is one of the most common complaints treated at our clinic. Medically speaking, we’re talking about sciatica. However sciatica is not a diagnosis in it self but merely a symptom of another problem. Sciatica simply refers to an irritation of the sciatic nerve. The sciatic nerve begins …